
PNG Compressor

Compress and encode data as Portable Network Graphics (PNG) image

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It can be useful to encode data or application state into an image file for sharing easily - compared to JSON or ZIP format, which might not be possible to upload to a discussion forum.

Such images are sometimes called "cartridges", referring to retro game ROM cards.


The data is gzip compressed using the Compression Streams API, well-supported by browsers and server-side JavaScript runtimes. The PNG format uses the same algorithm, but I found that the compression ratio is dramatically better when the data is compressed before encoding as image.

Each byte of the given data is written into the color channels (red/green/blue) of an image. The opacity (alpha) channel is not used because it can change color values.

In the browser, this encoded buffer can be turned into an image element and downloaded as a PNG file. On the server, it can be written to a file.


npm install --save png-compressor


Encode/decode JSON-serializable value

import { encode, decode } from 'png-compressor'

const object = { key: 'value' }

const pngImage = await encode(object)
const decoded = await decode(pngImage)

assert.deepEqual(decoded, object)

Encode/decode binary (array buffer)

import { encodeBinary, decodeBinary } from 'png-compressor'

const buffer = new ArrayBuffer(8)

const pngImage = await encodeBinary(buffer)
const decoded = await decodeBinary(pngImage)

assert.deepEqual(decoded, buffer)


Create image element

import * as png from 'png-compressor'

const object = { key: 'value' }

const image = await png.encodeToImage(object)

Or pass an image element as second argument to render into it.

const image = document.createElement('img')

await png.encodeToImage(object, image)

Download as image

const blob = await png.encodeToBlob(object)

png.downloadImage(blob, 'example.png')

Server (Node.js)

Write to image file

import fs from 'node:fs/promises'
import * as png from 'png-compressor'

const object = { key: 'value' }

const encoded = await png.encode(source)
await fs.writeFile('test.png', Buffer.from(encoded))

Read from image file

const buffer = await fs.readFile('test.png')
const decoded = await png.decode(buffer.buffer)

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